Tuesday, July 28, 2009

New Ideas

Come up with a new idea , meaning no one has thought of it before, is more difficult than what we think. Sometimes we think on something that could make our lives easier, and we say no one has thought about, but one day we see on TV, or maybe on the streets and we feel so disappointed because we thought that we are the creators of it. Sometimes we also say they stole the idea from me, but the funny thing is that you never told anyone about that idea. In my opinion ideas come from our imagination. Many of those ideas come from the regular basis, most of the time in the need of work better and with more efficiency. That is why the computer, the car and many other things where invented.

I have a dream.

Dr. Martin Luther King starts his speech with telling some history of The United States. He tells us about how the black community suffered segregation and discrimination in the past. How they used to live in absolute poverty without any resources to have a better life. As a matter of fact the lived in exile in their own country. Therefor, Dr. Luther King started talking about the civil rights for everyone in the country, how the children of the future needed a better place to live with the same opportunities as everyone else. he showed support to all the victims that were exposed to racism, cruelty and brutality. He also let the world know that this community were humans that needed to be treat the same as other people in the world. he let everyone in the world know that his dream was not only his , it was the dream that black people in this world was waiting to have real.


In cinematypes Toth classifies her dates as follows: Aaron a very cold person , that just take her to art films. he only goes to the movies where a cartographers have a good critic about. They got to the movies in separate cars, and inside the theater he seats tentatively, which means that if he does not like the movie he can move. On the other hand she has Pete, a guy who is more affective than Aaron, but he is kind of cheap. They take turns to go to the movies, that way nobody owns anything to nobody, and they park away from the theater to do not pay parking. Different from the two guys mentioned before is Sam, a very affectionate person, and not cheap at all. The only thing weird with him is that the only thing he wold not pay for is the pop corn, because in his opinion is to grease. He likes entertainment movies, and inside the theater he likes to put himself comfortable. At the end she concludes that she likes to got the movies by herself. She enjoys the movies better without people that have so any issues.

College Pressures

As William said as students we faced so many pressures, that make us feel down , those pressures are: economic, parenting, peers, and self pressure. I am totally agree with the author, many students face so many things that instead of live this experience happily, most of the time make them quit before they finish. There are some strategies that the author advises for those students that are feeling so stress out because of so many pressures. One strategy is not to overwhelmed themselves with to many classes, and to try to relax taking art classes. Another strategy is study a career that they really like, not something that daddy wants just because he is paying. many people that study what they do not like, end up working in something totally different from what they study, and their lives are something they do not expected. In conclusion always pleased yourself first, and you will see how your love ones are going to be happy too.

Sexism in language

In my opinion we still have some sexism in our language . This does not mean that is like in the past, but today we use words that according to the author of the essay they used to have a strong meaning in the past. One example is woman, that used to have sexual connotations. Now days woman to a gender without having a sexual implications, and like those words many other ones. Supporting my first statement, we still have some sexism , but not much, and is because language was created so many years back that certain words were created for a specific gender like: nurse or fly attendant, for women, and for men words like: doctors, or engineer. But now a days those words have change a little bit, just because we have nurses that are men, and engineers that are women. In conclusion time has completely change, we still have some sexism in our language, and it will be difficult to change it.

Human psychology and the horror genre.

I am not agree with Stephen King's premise in his essay. I think that to crave on horror movies do not mean that we all are mentally ill. If we see that type of movies is because we like something that is out of the routine life, not normal, and at end is a fantasy. Also is mostly to entertain ourselves, not to practice what those movies present. By the way there are few others that may take those movies seriously, and I would say they are the ones ill , and need professional help. As I repeat we are not all the same, and not all of us are mentally ill.

Illusion For Empire

The essay " My Wood" by E.M Foster narrates the responsibility that a first time home buyer feels over a piece of property that acquire for the first time. The tittle is pretty logic, just for the reason that the author wants to make some improvements to the property to make it look beautiful, and keep it away form deterioration. It seems to be that he feels a little overwhelmed with this situation, but I think is a feeling that all have when we buy a property for the first time. We know that most of the time is not only to buy a property, is also maintain it, and make it look beautiful.