Tuesday, July 28, 2009

College Pressures

As William said as students we faced so many pressures, that make us feel down , those pressures are: economic, parenting, peers, and self pressure. I am totally agree with the author, many students face so many things that instead of live this experience happily, most of the time make them quit before they finish. There are some strategies that the author advises for those students that are feeling so stress out because of so many pressures. One strategy is not to overwhelmed themselves with to many classes, and to try to relax taking art classes. Another strategy is study a career that they really like, not something that daddy wants just because he is paying. many people that study what they do not like, end up working in something totally different from what they study, and their lives are something they do not expected. In conclusion always pleased yourself first, and you will see how your love ones are going to be happy too.

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