Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sexism in language

In my opinion we still have some sexism in our language . This does not mean that is like in the past, but today we use words that according to the author of the essay they used to have a strong meaning in the past. One example is woman, that used to have sexual connotations. Now days woman to a gender without having a sexual implications, and like those words many other ones. Supporting my first statement, we still have some sexism , but not much, and is because language was created so many years back that certain words were created for a specific gender like: nurse or fly attendant, for women, and for men words like: doctors, or engineer. But now a days those words have change a little bit, just because we have nurses that are men, and engineers that are women. In conclusion time has completely change, we still have some sexism in our language, and it will be difficult to change it.

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