Monday, July 27, 2009

Why don't we complaint?

This story made me realize that there are so many things out on the streets that many of us do not agree on, but we let it go in order to avoid dramatic or violet events. One example could be the way many people drive on the roads. Many of them do not care if you are transporting kids or old people who need special attention, they just want to get to their point in the less amount of time possible skipping light, and changing lanes like crazy. Another event that we are getting use to live with is people smoking around us. I know smoking inside public places is not allow anymore, but what about people that smoke outside without noticing who they have next to them, that could be a kid pregnant woman, or just simply somebody sick. In conclusion there are so many issues that we accept, and got use to live with, just because we do not want conflicts with anybody around us.

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